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MaldivesFoodNetwork (MFN), is a web based food lovers guide, of food outlets in of Maldives. This guide acts a bridge between food outlets and food lovers, connecting customers (locals and tourists alike) to the different flavours that Maldives has to offer. MFN assists in food outlets to promote the new and unique aspects of their establishments, while providing patrons with a wonderful meal, in an effective and convenient way.

Do you know where you are going to have your next meal? We do. We can predict your future, we don’t need a mystical glass ball. Depending on the type of cuisine, location, ambience, concept, occasion, & budget, you have on your mind, MFN would provide an answer to the question as accurately as possible, to your satisfaction. Pack your knife and fork, sharpen those taste buds, be an explorer of food, through MFN. All the information you require is just within a few clicks. A fantastic food outlet could be hidden within your neighbourhood, maybe you just don’t know about it yet.  MFN is here to let you know. After your meals, we are here to listen to what you have to say, about the food and your experience. Let the world know of your food journeys.

Looking for an effective way to reach out potential new patrons, standout from the crowd? Then look no further, MFN is here. MFN is an ideal means of sales & marketing your food outlet, not only to Maldives but to the whole world. People buy more, when the correct information is presented and communicated, in an organised manner. Ease of access of information at one point, relevancy of information, of what food lovers are looking for.  More food lovers would take notice, search & buy through the website since your outlet is presented on a cuisine website, where you are showcased along with other food outlets. Food Lovers would have the opportunity to rate your outlet based on their experiences, giving you access of direct feedback highlighting where improvements are needed, & to keep up your outstanding service. Do you have a unique dish that sets you apart from others? Are you having a promotion or special offer? Want your menu to be seen? MFE will get the word out for you. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

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